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SEO ROI Calculator

The question, should I invest in SEO? If yes,
what ROI will it bring to my business?
Awareness (Search Impression)
Acquisition (Website Click)
Activation (Contact)
Revenue (Buy)


Every month, you'll earn in revenue. You have saved (assuming you use all keywords) on Google Ads.

  • You'll attract from Google
  • About click to your website.
  • Some are interested, then made contact.
  • Your sales team closes customers.

In a year, your total nett profit is from spent on SEO. With an ROI of , does it make sense to invest in SEO? (Above 100% is positive investment).

Note: However tempting this may be, it's only hypothetical. Result may vary greatly depending on expert.

Monthly Revenue
Google ads Saved
Total Gain Monthly
SEO Service per Month
Total Gain per year
Return on Invesment
Net Profit
SEO Month
Get -- Impressions
Go to Website -- Visits
Made the Contact -- Leads
Nurture them to be -- Customers
The ROAS is or adspend


$ SEO Service (per month)
Months SEO Service
$ Average CPC Keyword Price
$ Average Order Value (AOV)
Net Profit Margin (%)
Keywords Ranked 1st Page
Appeared on Google (per Mon)

% Impression ⟶ Website (CTR)
% Website ⟶ Contact (Convert Leads)
% Contact ⟶ Buy (Close Rate)
Return on Investment
Yearly Revenue from SEO
If you pay Google ads

Reverse Funnel Calculator

How much to pay FB to get X amount of Revenue.
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